The ViEWS package provides a powerful video analysis, editing and enhancement capability to the NetWatch Suite. Video can be reviewed, analysed to find specific events, broken into sample clips or built up into multi-camera large clips. Video clips can be enhanced and edited to include personal privacy (selective blurring). Video can be reproduced in native format (a sub master) or in any standard Windows video formats (a copy).
Video is usually downloaded from the NetWatch system, but ViEWS provides a PAL input allowing legacy VCR tapes to be processed. Video evidence can be exported to optical or any other media.

Analysis and Search Tools
Video analytics enable ViEWS to automatically search for objects that move into or out of selected areas, such as the doorway in the picture opposite. Set the search running and the system will notify you audibly when it has detected an object, it also enters the occurrence into the book mark data base. When completed the operator can review the video by using the book marks, speeding up the review process.