MIST is a leading object detection and target tracking system capable of providing an early indication of intrusion from targets approaching, entering or moving through restricted areas. MIST is an approved CPNI iLIDS Primary detection system and is included in the Catalogue of Security Equipment (CSE).
MIST detects and classifies objects; if these objects conform to strict rules they become targets which are then tracked. A target that interacts with 'Virtual Sensors' placed in the video image, cause the system to raise an alert.
Alarms are presented to the operator both visually and audibly. The system also makes available, to the operator, a clear and precise visual historic record of the cause of the alert, pre through to post event.
Used in conjunction with the NetWatch CCTV product range, MIST can activate hi-resolution normal vision PTZ cameras to home in on and record the virtual sensor activation. AR&T provide a comprehensive SDK for third party developers that allows MIST to offer the same level of functionality to their Control Station Clients.
MIST can operate with multiple targets, showing tracks of past positions and predicted future routes based on general heading and speed. Path prediction maintains object tracking even when an object is temporarily obscured or target collision occurs.